How to Use Nikto (BSWR)

Course Content
Nikto is a simple, open-source web server scanner that examines a website and reports the vulnerabilities found on the website, that could be exploited. It is considered the industry standard for a vulnerability scanning tool for websites.
This tool is not designed as a stealthy tool, so its activities will be noticeable in IDS/IPS systems or other similar utilized detection mechanisms. This tool performs a comprehensive scan, scans over 6700 vulnerable programs/directories and checks configuration of the server including multiple index files, backup files lying on the server etc. This tool also supports SSL and HTTP proxy.
Teaching Assistant Vikramajeet Khatri and Tahir Ibrahim
(Disclaimer: Breaking Stuff with Robert is a Cybrary series that will be running indefinitely. You will not earn CEU/CPE hours by watching any individual 'Breaking Stuff with Robert' episode. However, you can still earn a certificate of completion for each episode completed.)