Video Transcript
Well, we're hearing the end of the course on I want to show you a little bit about building your own exploits. Throughout the class, we've used people's exploits. We've used tools like medicine Boyd made by a lot of people actually on.
We've even used some code off places like exploit database, public exploit code by an individual or a team. But we haven't really seen how to create our own exploit code. And some cases we've just been able to manually exploit an issue like the very secure FTP smiley face back door.
That was easy, but let's take a look at how one can actually discover and right code for memory corruption exploits.
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Advanced Penetration Testing Course & Pen Testing Training
The Advanced Penetration Testing course teaches the cyber attack lifecycle from the perspective of an adversary. Become more familiar with the most widely used penetration-testing tools, manipulate network traffic, and perform web application attacks such as cross-site scripting and SQL injection.