Cybrary pricing plans
Learn hands-on cybersecurity skills and prepare for industry certifications, all in one place. Trusted by 4,000,000 global cyber practitioners and 1000+ organizations.
Insider Pro
Built for individuals looking for their next career opportunity in cybersecurity.
Save 17%
billed monthly
$55 per month billed annually
Enroll in hands-on, job-ready career paths designed to prepare you for a job in cybersecurity
Prepare for new cybersecurity certifications with confidence using our industry leading certification prep programs
View features
For Teams
Built for teams looking to baseline and build cybersecurity skills, and
prepare for certifications, all in one place.
/mo/per user
billed annually
Everything in the Individual Plan
Create & customize career paths to increase employee retention
Prepare for more than 40+ industry Certifications
Baseline & benchmark cyber skills by topic and role
Onboard new team members
Stay ahead of threats using threat-informed CVE labs and purple team exercises
Identify cybersecurity talent and build internal transition programs
Align to industry frameworks (MITRE ATT&CK, NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework, DoD 8140)
View features
Free for individuals looking to learn more about Cybrary and enroll in video training for in-demand cybersecurity certifications
Free on-demand video courses for cybersecurity certifications
Discourse Community Forums

What are the differences between an Insider Pro & Teams Plan?

Cybrary Insider Pro contains the tools and resources to effectively prepare yourself including industry leading resources, career paths, digital credentials, talent profile (coming soon) and more!

Cybrary for Teams includes the tools and functionality to build, manage and scale a cybersecurity skills & training program. You’re able to create repeatable onboarding programs for new cybersecurity team members, help them prepare for new certifications, build and assign custom training plans, stay ahead of existing threats, baseline and benchmark the skills of your teams and align to key industry frameworks.

Cybrary Baseline (New in 2024) offers certain benchmark capabilities and assessment insights exclusive to Cybrary for Teams customers!

Will my team actually use it?

To provide transparency to the purchase process, we’d like to share several of the following statistics.
Licenses are learning every week
Average ROI of training program
Reach 100% license utilization in 90 days
The ROI calculation takes engagement qualifiers and applies an expected market value of the content a learner interacts with to provide an expected return. Already a customer? Speak with your Customer Success Manager to review your ROI metrics and receive a quarterly digest to share internally.

Summary of Benefits

7-time winner of Best Cybersecurity Education Provider and built by leading subject-matter-experts (SMEs), feel confident we will help you achieve your outcomes.

Cybrary’s catalog is the most complete and in-depth cybersecurity skills and certification training catalog in the market.
What is you had a path to build the knowledge, skills and abilities to perform a technical job? Cybrary’s job-ready career paths offer just that!

Build hands-on skills and complete a comprehensive program to demonstrate job-readiness to your current of prospective employer.

Digital Credential powered by Credly (coming soon!)
97% of cybersecurity professionals believe that hands-on experience in a cybersecurity role is very or somewhat important when determining if a candidate is qualified -ISACA

Cybrary’s proprietary VM lab technology provides a critical environment to provide hands-on cybersecurity experience.
59% of cybersecurity professionals are pursuing a security certification, or plan to do so -ISC2

Prepare with confidence for more than 40-in demand cybersecurity certifications. With Cybrary, you can access practice tests & flashcards to simulate the real exam and build test-readiness ($179/certification value)
Create scalable, repeatable onboarding programs for new cybersecurity operations team members. Ensure new security operators share a common set of knowledge and skills shortening the time to operational readiness.
Increase employee retention by creating personalized career paths building their operational confidence and preparing for what’s next.
Our subject-matter-experts (SMEs) create and maintain more than 50 out-of-the-box training plans aligned to skills, job roles, and more to help you launch your program quickly.
Assess, baseline and benchmark the cybersecurity skills of your key security operations personnel. Compare the performance of your team to the performance of a global population of cybersecurity practitioners.
Tap into the cybersecurity potential within your organization. Internal transition programs can equip technically proficient professionals with specialized cybersecurity skills. Save on recruit costs, minimize talent acquisition challenges and gain a cost-effective and efficient solution to nurture an in-house team of cybersecurity experts
Discover trends, topics and review analytics aligned to the knowledge, skill and behavior of your cybersecurity operations team.
Easily align to industry frameworks; whether you are just getting started with MITRE ATT&CK or looking for a turn-key implementation of the NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework, Cybrary for Teams can help.
Get access to a cybersecurity training advisor to assist with the management of your training program, help customize custom training plans and more!
Stay ahead of cybersecurity threats with hands-on threat emulation training covering the latest CVEs and threat actors.
COming soon

ROI Dashboard

Access reports on expected value and showcase success of your program!
Already a customer? Speak with your Customer Success Manager to review your ROI metrics and receive a quarterly digest to share internally.

Compare our plans

Plan Features
Free edition
Insider Pro
For Teams
Course & Labs Library
Limited Access
Career Paths
Cyber Skills
Certification Prep
Cyber Threat-Readiness
Baseline & Benchmark  (NEW)
Team Insights & Analytics
Video Library
Badges, XP & Levels
Hands-on Labs
Practice Tests
Digtial Credentials
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Career Paths
Introduction to IT & Cybersecurity
SOC Analyst
Jr Penetration Tester
Security Engineer
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Custom Career Paths
Cyber Skills
IT Basics
Offensive Security
Defensive Security
Cloud Security
Baseline & Benchmark (NEW)
Certification Prep
40+ Certification Video Courses
CEUs/CPEs (Continuing Education)
Test Readiness Programs (Labs & Practice Tests)
Certification Insights
Cyber Threat-Readiness
CVE Emulation
Purple Team Exercises
Threat Readiness Insights
Mentor & Career Coaching
Onboard New Team Members
Create & Customize Career Paths
50+ Out-of-the-Box Training Plans
Baseline & Benchmark Skill Capabilities  (NEW)
Align to Industry Frameworks (ATT&CK, NICE CWF, DoD 8140)
Scheduled Reporting
Data Export
Usage & Management Analytics
User Roles & Permissions
Group Management
Cybersecurity Training Advisor
10+ Team Members
Single Sign-On (SSO)
10+ Team Members
LMS Integration
10+ Team Members
Data API
10+ Team Members