Risk management, cost benefit analysis, continuity planning, and compensating controls; am I just keyword stuffing? Hardly! Those are some of the processes required when you consider becoming a living organ donor.
I am fortunate to be a living kidney donor. The decision to donate was the most significant cost/benefit analysis I have ever done. I never imagined I’d be mitigating impending risks to my own life and continuity planning my potential demise. But I’ve also never had a more significant opportunity to serve.
All those skills, and more, are vital to effective IT and cybersecurity leadership, but most important is servant-leadership. IT and cybersecurity exist to serve the business, it’s employees, and its customers. Leaders must keep the business and human elements in focus to truly succeed. I’m a servant leader with the right mix of skills to do just that.
I’m well versed in GLBA and PCI compliance, cloud infrastructure, cyber and information security, mentoring staff, governance concerns, and managing a small network of nine locations with 125 employees using 200+ devices.
I’d be happy to connect and talk SMB financial services IT and cybersecurity any time.