The Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) credential is a vendor-neutral certification that concentrates on cloud security. It is provided by the International Information System Security Certification Consortium (ISC)2 and was launched in 2015. The CCSP requires that certified information security professionals have comprehensive knowledge about cloud security, operations, design, access controls, systems security, and service orchestration. It is a stand-alone certification that builds upon existing IT knowledge and certifications.

Why Get the CCSP Certification?

The CCSP is a leading certification in cloud security, and it’s regarded as a credential that represents a high level of cloud security expertise. Earning the CCSP demonstrates your abilities in cloud security design, architecture, service orchestration, and operations. Candidates who take the CCSP certification exam are required to have hands-on experience, at least five years in the IT industry, with one of those years spent working in one of the six domains of the CCSP. The six domains are:

  • Cloud data and security
  • Cloud application security
  • Legal risk and compliance
  • Cloud security operations
  • Cloud concepts architecture and design
  • Cloud platform and infrastructure security

The CCSP certification exam is considered fairly difficult by candidates who have taken the test. It allows you three hours to complete 125 questions on the above six domains. The format of the questions is multiple-choice and multiple responses. To successfully pass the exam, you must earn 700 out of a possible 1000 points. The cost for the CCSP certification exam is $599.

Earning this credential is a plus for cybersecurity professionals in numerous ways, including:

Instant industry recognition– The (ISC)2 is a prestigious credentialing organization with global recognition. Earning any of its certifications will immediately boost your reputation as an information security professional. In addition, the CCSP specifically demonstrates that you have cloud computing expertise and hands-on work experience in that field.

Versatility– Because the CCSP is a vendor-neutral certification, it allows you to use your skills and knowledge across multiple cloud platforms, making you a valuable asset to many organizations, no matter which cloud platform they use.

Career advancement– Having the CCSP certification under your belt will put you on the path to advance your career, whether you stay with your current employer or move on to another organization.

Job opportunities and earning potential– Hiring managers and recruiters often look to IT certifications on resumes to narrow their searches for new employees. The CCSP certification lets them know that you have the skills they are looking for, and you’re more likely to get an interview than candidates without the certification. Additionally, CCSP certified professionals typically earn higher salaries than their noncertified counterparts.

What Jobs Can You Get with a CCSP Certification?

Many cloud security positions require the CCSP certification for hiring eligibility, depending on the specific organization and role. Generally speaking, jobs you can get with the CCSP credential include:

  • Security Administrator
  • Security Consultant
  • Security Engineer
  • Security Architect
  • Security Manager
  • Systems Engineer
  • Systems Architect
  • Enterprise Architect

Whatever the cloud security role is, a CCSP certification will enhance your job opportunities and earnings. Moreover, it is a certification that will pay for itself quickly, advancing your cloud security career and potential salary.

Let Cybrary Help You Prepare for the CCSP Certification Exam

To become a CCSP, you must pass the certification exam. That requires that you have all the right resources to prepare for the test properly. At Cybrary, our Certified Cloud Security Professional course covers all the concepts and skills tested on the official certification exam. Our students can work on the CCSP training at their own pace, on their schedule. Our courses are available online, making it convenient for students who work or have other responsibilities.

Cybrary is dedicated to providing high-quality training courses to our students, facilitated by experienced instructors in the subject matter, to ensure they have all the knowledge and skills required to pass the CCSP certification exam successfully. Enroll in Cybrary’s CCSP training course to start your preparation for the official certification exam, and you’ll be on the road to opportunity and higher earning potential.

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