Hello. I was just trying to test Path Analyzer Pro on Win 10 but I keep getting the raw socket error meggage. I disabled the firewall but that didnt help either. Does anyone know how I can bypass this error? Thanks a lot. pimonit

Hello. I was just trying to test Path Analyzer Pro on Win 10 but I keep getting the raw socket error meggage. I disabled the firewall but that didnt help either. Does anyone know how I can bypass this error? Thanks a lot. pimonit

im in the same situation

HERE A FIX http://error-support.net/b/socket-error.php?c=se&sq=raw%20socket%20error%20fix&kw=%2Bsocket%20%2Berror&mt=p&ad=6

You should take a look at this message thread from about a year ago. The problem is that raw sockets have been disabled in Windows ever since the time of XP, so the program won't run perfectly on newer versions.

Hello all, I actually went into properties and set the compatibility for OS I'm using (windows 7) and it worked just fine.

Im a little reluctant trying this fix. Did it work for you?

please provide me regcurepro crack and still i get raw socket error.please help me guyss.

I'm also reluctant to try this "fix" since the website has been blocked as potentially malicious. Is there a different tool that works similarly? I've been searching...Would also like to know what cybrary recommends as this is part of one of the classes. thx.

thanks that worked for me

OK what i did was go to properties run compatibility troubleshooter then went to preferences, ports then checked all random sources

I got the same error. This seems to be a rights/permission issues. I was able to avoid the error by runing the app as an administrator.

I was facing same problem too but you can fix it very simply without downloading any software . you just need to change the compatibility mode to windows Xp by going in the property of Path Analyzer pro

Just run as Admin

My path analyzer is saying "error ..raw socket"

Running this program as an administrator worked for me. Thanks.

ran it as Admin, works fine.

Thanks, worked with me, set compatibility to XP

Run as admin

#vipinpatel tnx bro it work (y)

run as admin works

I changed the capability mode to XP and it works fine now.

run as admin works

Running as admin, works well!

for all newer OS than XP, run Path Analyzer Pro As Administrator. it will work perfectly...

I have also faced this error in windows 10 and to get rid of it run the application as administrator.This gonna work absolutely fine in windows 10.I think so as it worked for me

Did not change the compatibility settings. Ran the tool as administrator and it worked fine.

Running as admin worked for me also.

Both...as an administrator and change compatability mode. But...in Vista as the site instructs

Run as Administrator in latest windows versions working every fine.

Thanks. It started working after Changing the compatibility mode,

Run as Admin. Works well

@vipinpatel worked fine. TY

I am using win10 32bit... Yes "Run As Administrator" worked....

ok so i keep getting a file not found error everytime i click that suposrt link above. so how d o i fix teh raw socket problem on windows 10 or 8 now? or can i bypass this whole thing with a virtual machine?

anyone. any ideas?? i odvioulsy cant take this course without this piece of software

how to open settings in path analyzer pro.to set compatibility mode to XP

Run as administrator it works well now !!!!

The link above doesn't work, it says file not found.

if you're having the raw socket issue on windows 10 just run the program as administrator. it'll work after that.

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Run As admin worked...

have anu one fixed it if yes bro plz teach me yr.

Run the EXE as admin, and it will work fine on Win10.

Thnks it works for me

RUn as Administrator this really worked for me also

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