A few of my class mates love working in Kali, and to be honest Kali has it good qualities, however there is something about Remnux that I feel works very well with Malware Analysis. Would it be beneficial for me to continue my studies with Remnux or should I focus on both distros?
From what I have read on the site, it's designed specifically for M.A / R.E https://zeltser.com/remnux-malware-analysis-tips
I just started working with Remnux and the docker images it comes with. I think they complement each other. SANS institute have some webinars on use of Remnux for malware analysis.
thanks 812teck
I thing remnux is better than kali.
quite late, but I think I need to repeat doctorjay's statement: They complement each other. Kali is quite a broad distribution, but mainly for pen testing and the like, Remnux is specialized in Malware Analysis only. I'm using both.
Thanks for the late bump, I was just thinking about this