This is a good example of a simple Python script, which you can create in less than 30 minutes.Python is really useful for creating security tools. You can create many tools like Port Scanners, Hashcrackers, Servers and Clients...and many more.A good book I recommend reading that focuses on Python security tools is "Black Hat Python" by Justin Seitz.Without further ado, here's the code for the Python Hashcracker I created (in Python 2.7). ===================START OF CODE==========================import hashlib, sys, getopt#Coded by CameToLearn from Add input of multiple hashesdef usage():print "-v | Print attempts"print "-h | This menu"print "-H, --hash | Hash to crack"print "-t --type | Supports: md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512"print "-d --dict | Dictionary file to crack with"# print "-i, --inputfile | Input file of hashes"sys.exit()def main():counter = 0input_hash = ""input_hash_type = ""#input_hash_file = ""wordlist = ""verbose = 0try:options, arguments = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "vhi:H:t:d:", ["hash=", "type=", "help", "inputfile=", "dict="])except getopt.GetoptError as err:print str(err)usage()for option, argument in options:if option in ("-h", "--help"):usage()elif option == "-v":verbose = 1elif option in ("-H", "--hash"):input_hash = argumentelif option in ("-t", "--type"):input_hash_type = argument.lower()elif option in ("-d", "--dict"):wordlist = argument"""elif option in ("-i", "--inputfile"):input_hash_file = argument"""if input_hash == "" or input_hash_type == "" or wordlist == "":usage()if input_hash_type == "md5":htype = hashlib.md5elif input_hash_type == "sha1":htype = hashlib.sha1elif input_hash_type == "sha224":htype = hashlib.sha224elif input_hash_type == "sha256":htype = hashlib.sha256elif input_hash_type == "sha384":htype = hashlib.sha384elif input_hash_type == "sha512":htype = hashlib.sha512try:dictfile = open(wordlist,'r')except Exception as e:print "Unable to open file, make sure you typed the correct filename.", esys.exit()try:if verbose:for word in dictfile:counter += 1word = word.strip()hashed = htype(word).hexdigest()if hashed == input_hash:print "Hash cracked, at attempt {0}. hashed word is: '{1}' ".format(counter, word)dictfile.close()sys.exit()else:print "Attempting password '{0}', Attemp No. {1}".format(word, counter)else:for word in dictfile:counter += 1word = word.strip()hashed = htype(word.strip()).hexdigest()if hashed == input_hash:print "Hash cracked, at attempt {0}. hashed word is: '{1}' ".format(counter, word)dictfile.close()sys.exit()except KeyboardInterrupt:print "User Exit"sys.exit()main()=======================END OF CODE==========================I highly recommend using the rockyou.txt wordlist found on Kali Linux and plenty of internet websites.Happy Hacking,CameToLearn
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