Welcome to Kali Linux Command Lines – Part 4. This part will explain the use of Man pages (also called Manual Pages) on your Unix or Linux computer. I'll talk about related commands like 'whereis' & 'whatis'. Man pages can be used to know the use of tools or how to use tools.Note: For Video Lab/Demo of this part, click here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eD8mMa49f-c Let's begin...Do you know what hydra does ? if yes then ok, if no, then here's what we can do...>> go directly to terminal, and type
"man hydra"
>> or in more advance, if you want help for hydra, then you can type
"hydra -h"
Similarly, do you know what nmap does? if yes then ok, if no, then here's what we can do...
"man nmap"
"nmap -h"
Any time you're confused about tools in Kali Linux, then go to terminal and start using man pages or help commands. >> More on this, I said I would talk about "whereis" and "whatis":>> Let's type
"whatis hydra" : Gives us brief description of hydra
"whereis hydra" : Gives us location of hydra
So, in any case you need help, utilize the main tool of Kali Linux, i.e. man pages and help files.Note: For Video Lab/Demo of this part, click here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eD8mMa49f-c Thanks for reading, and don't forget to provide me feedback. :)