Description of the system
The Check_MK is an open source based monitoring system. It fits almost any infrastructure. Basic element the Nagios and WATO GUI, and includes various modules: the NagVis, which is responsible for displaying the network topology, a PNP4Nagios, which collects the monitored system performance data in RRD format and displays them in the form of graphs and reports. It includes a DokuWiki system, which can be a great knowledge base. The monitoring system is able to monitor the resources and services of systems on the client side agent, API or SNMP.
The main function of a monitoring system is the status checking, the dashboard-based visualization, and change-based notification.
Features of the Check_MK:
- Extensive, deep and customizable monitoring with agent, API or SNMP;
- it ensures the integrity and confidentiality;
- able to synchronize with an NTP server;
- monitoring relatively easily managed through a Web Administration Tool (WATO);
- the monitored performance data is stored in a standard RRD format. and the ability to prepare reports;
- there's dashboard, which provides a summary presentation of the state;
- the ability to display the logical network topology;
- it combines a physically separate, but logically related service;
- if a Syslog event occurs, then automatically responds with an action, and it can be controlled from the command line;
- capable of real-time alarms with e-mail or SMS server;
- easy backup and restore;
- role-based user management, LDAP-based user authentication (including Active Directory and eDirectory), and local user authentication;
- not affect the monitoring system and the monitored systems operation;
- able to read the Nagios plugins to facilitate the eventual migration.
Resource requirements
Resource Requirements Based on the experience:
- One site, dozen hosts with Check_MK agent, and some hosts with SNMP: 1 CPU core, 1 GB RAM, min. 8-16 GB HDD (e.g. mini PC).
- One site, more dozen hosts with Check_MK agent, and dozen hosts with SNMP: 2 CPU core, 2 GB RAM, min. 40 GB HDD.
- One site, more than one hundred hosts with Check_MK agent, including more dozen host with log monitoring and vulnerability scan, dozen hosts with SNMP, and Event Console: 4 CPU core, 4 GB RAM, min. 80 GB HDD.
- One or more site, more than one hundred hosts with Check_MK agent, including log monitoring and vulnerability scan, more dozen hosts with SNMP, and Event Console: 6-8 CPU core, 4-8 GB RAM, min. 120 GB HDD.
- One or more site, more hundred hosts with Check_MK agent, including log monitoring and vulnerability scan, more hundred hosts with SNMP, Event Console: min. 8 CPU core, min. 8 GB RAM, min. 200 GB HDD.
The manufacturer's recommendations:
Configuring of the system
Creating and configure User
Countless users can create, which can be divided into groups, and which assign different roles.– WATO → Users:– Create new user: New User– Modify user: Properties– Identify:– Username: User ID– Full name: User full name– Email address: Email address– Pager address: Mobil phone number– Security:– Authentication: Repeating enter the password!– Roles: Type of user– Contact Groups: Select Everybody, or other Contact Groups!– Personal settings → Disable Notifications: If you do not wish to receive messages, then to select! (Global and local method to apply settings to users.)– Save– X Changes → Activate Changes!
Setting LDAP user authentication
The system supports the LDAP-based user authentication (including Active Directory and eDirectory).1. Enable LDAP authentication:– WATO → Global Settings → User Management → Enable User Connectors:– LDAP (Active Directory, OpenLDAP): Select!2. Configure LDAP authentication:– WATO → Users → LDAP Settings:– Enter the data of the LDAP server communication!– Eg. with eDirectory– LDAP Connection Settings– LDAP Server: IP address of LDAP-server– TCP Port: 389 or 636– Use SSL: Select, if SSL connect!– Directory Type: Active Directory, OpenLDAP or 389 Directory Server (e.g. eDirectory)– Bind Credentials: Select!– Bind DN: Name of LDAP transfer user– Bind Password: Password of LDAP transfer user– LDAP User Settings– User Base DN: ou=<organization_unit>,o=<organization>– Search Filter: (|(sAMAccountName=<user1>)(sAMAccountName=user2)(sAMAccountName=user3))– LDAP Group Settings– Group Base DN: ou=<organization_unit>,o=<organization>– Alias: Select!– Authentication Expiration: Select!– LDAP attribute to be used as indicator: Active Directory: „accountExpires”, eDirectory: „passwordExpirationTime”– Email address: Select!– Save & Test– X Changes → Activate Changes!Thereafter appear the filtered LDAP users. 3. Authentication test:http(s)://<IP-address_of_Check_MK_server>/<name_of_site> (LDAP username and password)
Agents install and configure on the hosts
The agents communicate full functionality with the server by default Xinetd or Inetd service manager (in Unix-, Linux- and BSD-based systems), or service manager (in Windows systems) but can be set using SSH channel. The Check_MK server monitoring agent you need to install the server host, and configure! The used port of agent: TCP 6556.
Agent install and configure on Unix-like systems
Download and extract of the Agent
wget*.tar.gztar xzfv check_mk-*.tar.gzcd check_mk-*tar xzfv agents.tar.gz
Install Agent
Debian-like systems:dpkg -i check-mk-agent_*.debRedHat-like and SUSE systems:rpm -i check-mk-agent-*.rpmOther Unix-like systems:cp check_mk_agent.linux /usr/bin/check_mk_agentA different systems it should be named .aix, .netbsd, .hpux etc (instead .linux)!
Configure Agent with Xinetd
1. Install Xinetd:Debian-like systems:apt-get install xinetdRedHat-like systems:yum install xinetdchkconfig xinetd onSUSE systems:zypper install xinetd2. Configure Xinetd service file of Check_MK:touch /etc/xinetd.d/check_mkvi /etc/xinetd.d/check_mk service check_mk { type = UNLISTED port = 6556 socket_type = stream protocol = tcp wait = no user = root server = /usr/bin/check_mk_agent # configure the IP address(es) of your Nagios server here: # only_from = disable = no }The only_from line is IP-addresses of monitoring servers. 3. Restart Xinetd:service xinetd restartOr/etc/init.d/xinetd restartOr/etc/rc.d/xinetd restart
Configure agent with Inetd (in FreeBSD and HPUX systems)
1. Configure service file:vi /etc/services check_mk 6556/tcp#check_mk agent2. Configure Inetd:FreeBSD system:vi /etc/rc.conf inetd_enable=yesinetd_flags=-wWvi /etc/inetd.conf check_mk stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/nagios/check_mk_agent check_mk_agentHP-UX system:vi /etc/inetd.conf check_mk stream tcp6 nowait root /usr/local/nagios/check_mk_agent check_mk_agent3. Restrict access to Check_MK:FreeBSD system:vi /etc/hosts.allow check_mk_agent : <IP-address_of_Check_MK_servers> : allowHP-UX system:vi /var/adm/inetd.sec check_mk allow <IP-address_of_Check_MK_servers>4. Restart Inetd:FreeBSD system:/etc/rc.d/inetd restartHP-UX system:inetd -c
Agent install and configure on Windows systems
1. Download the agent:Copy the agent in the /omd/sites/<name_of_site>/share/check_mk/agents/windows directory of the OMD server!
2. Install the check_mk-*windowsinstall_agent.exe (or check_mk_agent.msi) to C:Program Files (x86)check_mk directory!
3. Rename the C:Program Files (x86)check_mkcheck_mk.example to check_mk.ini!
4. Configure IP-addresses of the Check_MK server(s):
notepad C:”Program Files (x86)”check_mkcheck_mk.inionly_from = <IP-addresses_of_Check_MK_server(s), or IP-range>
5. Restart Check_MK_Agent service:
net stop Check_MK_Agent & net start Check_MK_Agent
Refine of the Windows Agent output
If you want to refine the output of agent (e.g. winperf read or some error), then to be listed the enabled sections or services in the C:”Program Files (x86)”check_mkcheck_mk.ini file (e.g. sections = check_mk mrpe plugins services mem systemtime uptime df). If the server Check_MK specified service does not allow for the section parameter, then the agent Check_MK_Agent startup error in diagnosis section lists the missed parameters.
Configure host
After installing on the host, you must recognize and configure them in the monitoring Server!
– WATO → Hosts: – New host: Vagy – To select the host! → Properties: – General Properties → Hostname: Enter the name of host! – Basic Settings: – Permissions: Enter the groups! – Alias: Enter the alias! – IP address: Enter the IP-address of the host (e.g. localhost: – Parents: Enter the parents in the network topology! – Host Tags → Agent type: Check_MK Agent, SNMP, Legacy SNMP device or Dual – Save & go to Services – To select the needed services! – Save manual check configuration – X Changes → Activate Changes! – Views → Hosts → All hosts → To select the host!
Configure service
After installing on the host, you must configure the services in the monitoring Server!
– WATO → Hosts & Service Parameters (or Manual Checks): E.g. Filesystems (used space and growth): – Parameters for discovered services → To select the service! → Create rule in folder (or Create ... specific rule for): – Explicit hosts: Select, and enter names of hosts! – Levels for filesystem: Select, and enter the thresholds! – Save E.g. Process Discovery (check of runner process): – Parameters for discovered services → To select the service! → Create rule in folder (or Create ... specific rule for): – Explicit hosts: Select, and enter names of hosts! – Process Name: Enter the process name! – Process Matching → Exact name of the process without arguments: Enter the process without arguments! – Save E.g. Check connecting to a TCP port: – Active checks (HTTP, TCP, etc.) → To select the service! → Create rule in folder (or Create ... specific rule for): – Explicit hosts: Select, and enter names of hosts! – TCP Port: Number of the TCP port – Use SSL for the connection: To select (with SSL communication)! – Save E.g. Windows Service Discovery: – Parameters for discovered services → To select the service! → Create rule in folder (or Create ... specific rule for): – Explicit hosts: Select, and enter names of hosts! – Services (Regular Expressions): Select, and enter names of services! – Save – X Changes → Activate Changes! – WATO → Configuration → Hosts → To select the host! → Edit the services of this host, do a service discovery: – Select the service! – Save manual check configuration – X Changes → Activate Changes!
Parameterization of service
The monitoring can be parameterized for each rule.
– WATO → Hosts → To select a host, which includes the service! → Edit the services of this host, do a service discovery → To select a type of service! → Edit and analyze the check parameters of this service: - Create rule in folder: Create new rule for all host and explicit value Or – Create ... specific rule for: Create new rule for actual host and explicit value Or - To select a rule! → Edit this rule: Edit of an existing rule - Conditions: Enter hosts and the services! - Parameters: Enter parameters! E.g. df: – Levels for filesystem: Select! – Levels for filesystem used space: Enter thresholds! – Save – X Changes → Activate Changes!
Modification of parameterized service
The rules can be changed later.
– WATO → Host & Service Parameters → Used Rulesets → To select the service! → Edit this rule
Create host tags
The host tags will help new properties are added to the host.
– WATO → Host Tags → New Tag Groups: – Internal ID: ID of tag group – Title: Appearing tilte of tag group – Topic → Create New Topic: Name of new topic – Choices: – Add tag choice: – Tag ID: ID of tag – Description: Appearing description of tag – Save – X Changes → Activate Changes!
Configure host group
The hosts can be grouped (e.g. by type of OS, functions or location). – WATO → Host & Service Groups → Host groups (if in Service groups) → (1.2.4 or early systems: Host Groups): – New host group: Or – Select to the group! → Properties: – Name: Name of group – Alias: Alias of group – Save – X Changes → Activate Changes!– WATO → Host & Service Parameters → Grouping → Assignment of hosts to host groups: – Create rule in folder: Or – To select a rule! → Edit this rule: – Explicit hosts: Select, and enter names of hosts! – Assignment of hosts to host groups: Select to the host groups! – Save – X Changes → Activate Changes! The created host groups are in the View → Host Groups menu. It is recommended to create a host group with all the elements, so you can view all devices in the Network Topology.
Configure service group
The services can be grouped (e.g. by type, functions or services). – WATO → Host & Service Groups → Service groups (if in Host groups) → (1.2.4 or early systems: Service Groups): – New service group: Or – Select to the group! → Properties: – Name: Name of group – Alias: Alias of group – Save – X Changes → Activate Changes!– WATO → Host & Service Parameters → Grouping → Assignment of services to service groups: – Create rule in folder: Or – To select a rule! → Edit this rule: – Explicit hosts: Select, and enter names of hosts! – Services: Select, and enter names of services! – Assignment of services to service groups: Select to the service groups! – Save – X Changes → Activate Changes! The created service groups are in the View → Service Groups menu.
Configure cluster hosts and services
The clusters can be monitored. 1. Define the clustered services: – WATO → Host & Service Parameters → Monitoring Configuration → Inventory and Check_MK settings → Clustered services: – Select to the cluster service! → Edit: Or – Create rule in folder: – Explicit hosts: Select, and enter cluster nodes! – Services: Select, and enter services! – Positive / Negative: – Make the outcome of the ruleset positive: The rule is OK, if either service is OK – Make the outcome of the ruleset negative: The rule is OK, if all services is OK – Save – X Changes → Activate Changes! 2. Define the clustered hosts: – WATO → Host: – Select to the cluster! → Edit: Or – New cluster: – Hostname: Name of cluster – Alias: Alias of cluster – Nodes: Enter cluster nodes! – IP address: If there is no cluster IP address, you can leave it blank, if any, enter! – Host tags → Agent type: Select to the type of agent! – Save & go to Services → To select the needed services! – Save manual check configuration – X Changes → Activate Changes! The created clusters are in the View → Hosts menu.
Disabling check of the not used discovered services
It is recommended to disable the check of automatically discovered, but disabled services, so as not to send notification. – WATO → Global Settings → Service discovery: – Enable regular service discovery checks: Deselect! – Severity of failed service discovery check: – Current setting: OK – do not alert, just display – Save – X Changes → Activate Changes! Thereafter not alert.